A8. #139 = #1 Vermont + #39 (TriMet)
At the September 29th, 2005 community meeting at the college, TriMet proposed that they combine the service hours for the #39 with those of the
#1 Vermont
to form a route that goes from Lewis & Clark College to what they call Vermont Hills neighborhood area (exactly where the #1 goes now). The two bus routes would be joined at Burlingame Fred Meyer.
This would only be done during off-peak hours.
During peak hours, #1 would run its current route to downtown instead of continuing over to Collins View and the College. During those peak hours, #39 would function as it does now, just going to Fred Meyer, hopefully better synchronized with the #1.
For a map of the TriMet Concept, just join #1 and #39 at the hip, and draw a dotted line downtown to represent the peak hour service. A simple map can't show clearly how the
route would vary during the course of the day, but the schedule table would.
To summarize, this new off-peak route would look just like #39 plus #1, with two buses circulating to give a frequency of 30 minutes.
Status: Rejected at the Oct 16th Working Group meeting. Neighbors weren't interested in the different routes at different times.
Further Analysis of TriMet's #139 Proposal
On 9/29/05, TriMet proposed that the service hours for #39 and #1 be combined to form a sort of super route "#139" during off peak hours. (Described above.)
The schedule would have to be atleast partially re-written.
TriMet seems reluctant to change anything else about the #1 route, meaning that this hybrid route would not go through or come near Hillsdale or Multnomah Village, our (CVNA and L&C) main attractive destinations!
The #139 would uselessly go past Wilson High School in off peak hours.
- #139 would go downtown sometimes, but to Lewis & Clark other times.
#139 would sometimes go only as far as Burlingame Transit Center (Freddies).
This could be alarming or confusing to someone boarding either bus.
(TriMet says there is unbelievable outreach done during such a route changeover.)
#1 off-peak riders would be faced with transferring to #12 to get downtown if they didn't want to go to the college.
#39 riders would have to wait for a #1 during peak hours,
which is no better situation than now.
One person at the L&C community meeting thought that the combined #139
was not a reduction in service, that it was atleast as good as what we have now, a win-win siutation. However, by not uing the opportunity to improve the routes,
we will fail to attract new riders. For example, TriMet has said that it maybe should not cut out the Palatine Hill Road segments even though the are underused.
#1 Vermont current continues though downtown as #1 Greeley to the University of Portland vicinity.
At the 9/29/05 TriMet/College community meeting, one rider asked whether the proposed hybrid route would mean that she wouldn't be able to take the #1 all the way from U of P to where she current transferrs to #39!
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