This project was disrupted by the Pandemic in Feb 2020, and I am just now jump starting it! — jm May 2024
These pages are a personal project. I hope to describe a number of Transit Tours one can take in the Portland / NW Oregon region. The tours may all originate and terminate in Portland, with natural tie-ins to any of the towns on a given Tour. In their simplified form, the 'Tour' information would easily fit on a half page Card that could be handed out, printed, or viewed online.
A side goal is to produce a simple map of the regional 'system', like Harry Beck's London Underground map/design unified a jumble of different transit operators. (Actually, other folks have already started do in this! See NW CONNECT OR below.)
There is a page (in progress) describing the 'Theory' of Transit Touring. It will give tips on using tools for planning, and my general philosophy. [WIP]
There will be a page of historical (Vintage) routes of interest. [Coming Soon].
Is Transit Touring a category of travel guides, i.e. self-guided Transit Tours?
Is 'Transit Touring' a real thing? It is for me, and others, I've discovered.
Transit-Oriented Touring, AKA TOT. -- John Miller, Portland, Oregon
Tag lines: Go Car Free!
Lighten your Carbon footprint!
Go places, see things, meet new people.
Transit Touring Projects
After doing pages for several Tours, I've settled on a common layout for the Transit Touring web pages. Of course each tour will have suggested variations, and suggested things to do or see, and places to eat / shop. Each will have a Map, photos, and graphics.
These Tours are possible by transferring out of Trimet.
Yamhill Wine Country - 7/25/2019
Estacada-Sandy - 12/16/2019
Astoria-Ilwaco - 11/4/2019→11/6/2019
Yamhill Tour - 9/13/2022
Mt Hood - Timberline Lodge Day Trip via
Vancouver, Washington. Day Trip. Loop through Fisher's Mill and Downtown Vancouver?
- Astoria via Columbia route (CC Rider)
- Astoria-Oysterville Option
- Columbia County, West of Portland
- Columbia Gorge Express [LINK]
- Oregon Coast (See 'NW CONNECT-OR' below)
- Sandy Day Trip
- Mollala Day Trip?
- ?
- ?
Transit Operators
This will be a list of local bus operators and alliances, with acronym, hub town, website.
Sandy area Metro (SAM)
Sandy area Metro (SAM) Connects Sandy with Gresham, and Sandy with Estacada.. They also operate the
to Timberline Lodge, and a shorter run from Sandy out to Brightwood.
The put a box on the back of the bus for skis during skiing season, and have bike trailers during non-winter months! (Need to look at the schedule to see how much time on could have at the lodge before having to get back to Sandy.)
Follow @MtHoodExpress on twitter for message like: 'Due to early snow on the mountain the bike trailers have been removed for the season.
The nw-CONNECT-or is an alliance of (5) transit agencies across NW Oregon, that connect and coordinate to meet your transportation needs.
Check out their interactive route browser (Trip Ideas!) here:
They list all of their Connections here:
Check out their interactive trip planner here:
NW Point (Amtrak partner) - Astoria and North Coast.
One can go to from Portland to Astoria via 'NW Point', associated with Amtrak. The bus goes out HWY 26 to Canon Beach, and north to Seaside, Gearhart, Warrenton, and Astoria TC.
[NW Point]