Westside Wildlife Corridor Booth at Multnomah Days

The Watershed Resource Center sponsored a booth featuring the Westside Wildlife Corridor at 'Multnomah Days' on Saturday Aug 17, 2019.

We prepared a big (24x44") laminated map to cover the table in the booth. The idea was that people could mark the map with non-permanent markers or place colored dots representing sightings, possible migration paths, coyote dens, etc. (Dots/Markers were available.) The Map was generated using OpenStreetMap, covering the west side, and is now kept in the Watershed office..

4 of the 264 tiles from our Big Map!

We prepared a survey card so people could check off sightings in or near their yards.

Survey Card

We also had 4x6 index cards so people could write a story about animals in their neighborhood. The booth was managed by three volunteers. John, Joan, Susan.


We collected 20 'sighting' surveys in the form of a checklist of animals.

  • Three out of four surveys reported Squirrels, Coyotes, Crows, WoodPeckers (3 types), Raccoons, and Hummingbirds.
  • Half of the surveys reported Owls, Moles, and Hawks.
  • One third reported Deer, Rabbits, and Eagles (2 kinds).
  • One quarter reported Snakes and Salamanders.
  • A small number reported Frogs (heard but not seen!) and Beavers.
  • Also a small number reported rats and mice.
  • One report of each of these critters: Turtle, heron, fox, elk, crayfish, chipmunk, butterfly, bee(s), bat.


Q: What is a crying sound we hear in a field at night? A: Probably a feral Peacock.

Q: What drops chocolate-chip-size scat on a porch railing? A: Probably a Squirrel.


  • Guy saw a deer crossing/along Barbur Blvd, maybe below George Himes Park.
  • Owl hatched 4 eggs in bird box, Lake Oswego.
  • Owl sighted near NE corner of Gabriel Park, SW Pendleton.
  • Screech Owl came down the chimney 2 blocks from Multnomah Village.
  • Hundreds of Swifts circle and dive into brick claypot chimney, 2800 block NE 52nd Ave.
  • Turkey Vulture on a shed roof! Aug 15th 2 miles from Multnomah Village.
  • Coyotes on SW 4th, 6pm. Deer on SW 35th & Palatine - Loll Wildwood Natural Area 8/17 10am.
  • A family is seeing 2 or 3 rabbits every day in Garden Homes, eating their garden! Several other people reported rabbits.
  • Several skunks were sighted! This was surprising.
  • A person sowed wildflowers over 1/5 acre and saw an increase in bees, snakes, deer.

No one at the fair had seen the Elk which has been reported above Hillsdale.


Behold the Animal Corridor Greenway: The SW 25th Ave Community Trail between SW Capitol Hwy and the Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy (also a Safe Route to School). This is a public Right of Way being restored by primarily volunteers and grant money. The trail is used by many diverse people. The project is restoring habitat, managing storm water, removing invasive plants, planting native plants, trees, shrubs. It is a corridor for coyotes, raccoons, occasional deer, flickers, rabbits. The trail leads to water source - the headwaters of Fanno Creek.

The Real Star of the Show -- a COUGAR!

News of cougar broke just before Multnomah Days. The cougar had been sighted in several places in the west hills. People were aware of this, and were excited about it. Known sightings:

  • 7/13 or 7/14 Dunthorpe captured on a security camera.
  • 7/16/2019 Tryon Creek State Natural Area by a teenager.
  • 8/12/2019 9:30am Near Gabriel Park.
  • 8/16/2019 5pm at Patton Road & Dosch Road.
  • 8/26/2019 on Lewis & Clark College campus the Week after the Fair.
  • Nextdoor: Tracks found in Marshall Park.

John says: The cougar likely ranges into Forest Park and the coast range via the westside wildlife corridor.

References and notes about the so-called corridor

  • Westside Wildlife Corridor — many links and sources [LINK]
  • Lori Hennings, Metro. Range as a function of species. Permeability. Barriers. See the above resource page for resource material.. (Will find by Wednesday) [NEED A LINK!]
  • Living with Wildlife advice on ODFW website, including cougars: [LINK]
  • Lewis & Clark College Warns of Possible Cougar Sightings Near Campus [LINK]
  • Cougar Sightings on the Rise in Southwest Portland, Portland Tribune [LINK]

After the fair on 8/26/19, we saw a post on NextDoor that a River Otter was sighted in Crystal Creek at SE 21st and Tacoma. (A common occurrence?)