The headings give you an idea of what each project will be. This page is a work in progress, describing work that will probably take years! Volunteers Welcome!
Trolley Places
We need a page describing the formation of two of the five cemeteries in SW Portland, the Town of Fulton, and the Fulton Park Development. There are no good maps we know of for Fulton and Fulton Park, other than Sanborn and Lombard, which were sketchy records, or early land sale plans.
Trolley Cars Used on F & N-S Lines
List and photos of cars that were known to run.
Time Series CHART showing trolley lines / RR lines
Like a Gannt chart - would show each trolley line and railroad, by name, spanning years of service.
Diagram Schematic Map time series of Trolley lines / RR lines
A series of (10-12?) simple line drawings, with lines appearing and disappearing in the series, labeled by name of the company or line at the time. Colors could denote electric vs steam. Diagrams in the series would show each successive change in configuration.
Lines included would be F, N-S, O&C, SPRR, Red electrics, Oregon Electrics, Willamette Lines, IN THIS AREA.
This map shows the approximate extent / scope of interest. The graphic would be lines and annotation, with no other features See Time Series Chart above.
Very //Crude// Base Map - Lines simultaneously shown here.
Schedules of F and N-S lines
To be added.
F Line Ticket (find or Mock one up)
Thompson has a copy of an N-S Line ticket on Page 19 of Portland's Streetcar Lines. We'd like to find an F Line ticket, or create one in the same style, but...
Self-guided Walking Tours
We have a point-to-point outline of the tour. The narration, maps, and photos have yet to be assembled.
Interpretive Signage at F Line and N-S Line Sites
Below is a number of commonly-themed weather-resistant signs with photos, drawings, text.
Interpretive Signage about Trestle between Fulton Park and Carson Heights
Near the Power Plant in the ravine!
Interpretive Signage at Brier Trench
This could be just a viewing area at the top of the Trench on SW Brier Place, or it could be an invitation to explore the trench down to an overlook, where I-5 looms below, with East Portland and Mount Hood in view, from this elevation. But for the noise, the end of this trench is prime real estate.
Interpretive Signage at Upper River View Cemeteries Station.
This would need RVC approval. A small sign, like 9x12 inches, next to the station site.
What funeral cars were used? What was the protocol for using carriages to meet the Funeral Car? Could compare with riverboat landing, and the later Cemeteries station on the river.
Interpretive Signage at Greenwood Hills Cemetery
This would need GHC approval. Something perhaps at the entrance, on the back side of the Bulletin Board?
Interpretive Signage at end of N-S Line, lower Taylors Ferry Road
At the Trolley Stop, maybe an artist's conception of the foot bridge. Also a possible sign at the 20-step stairway on the cemetery side.
Trolley Food Cart?
This could be a trolley-shaped hot dog stand or whatever, at the NE corner of the parking lot, closest to the intersection of Terwilliger & Taylor's Ferry.
Tryon Creek O (?) Scale Trolley
What is the little train that runs on a track in the Sports Bar? It was installed when Robbies's operated a family dining spot. Could we sponsor a Brille / Pullman car model?
The Train and Transformer are in working order.
Interpretive Signage at Tryon Creek Grill
Frame a photo of some kind, with a caption, and link to web page? Can we get a photo of the Red House that was located just to the south?
YouTube video explaining the Line (a flyover).. visiting sites along the way.
Could be an animation, coupled with some on-the-ground stills, or Ken Burns effects.
Clean up Litter at end of Brier Trench
There is probably 200..300 lbs of trash from a long term homeless campsite that needs to be gathered and hauled out. The the site needs to be protected somehow from future trashing. The site is all the was down the trench, but it is also a steep path down from Barbur Blvd at the southeast end of the Vermont viaduct
Footnote from 2022 - this seems to have been largely cleaned up, after a survey was done in preparation for an upcoming (2023/4) sewer project.
Add Brier Place Trench Trail to SW Trails and George Himes Park?
Need to work with SW Trails and Friends of Terwilliger, neighbors to see if this makes sense as a Trail.
What Else?
For one thing - newly done Maps of the town of Fulton, and Fulton Park (at the time of the Power Plant, tracks, and early houses.)