Trolley Project Leaders and Helpers
We recognize and thank the many people who have helped us with cartography skills, historical background, engineering insights, documents, on-the-ground sleuthing, and general support and guidance. They may not agree with all our conclusions, but their input has been essential along the way.

Primary Helpers and Sources
- Stephen Dudley, Willamette Shore Trolley volunteer and former River View Cemetery board member, for his deep knowledge of trolley operations and real estate, and for being our principal sounding board and co-conspirator
- Erik Goetze, cartographer, neighbor, and Fulton Park specialist
- Scott Daniels and Renato Rodriguez, Oregon Historical Society Research Library
- Terry Baxter, Multnomah County Archives
- Greg Bonn and John Nagy, Oregon Electric Railway Historical Society
- Ron McCoy and Arlen Sheldrake, Pacific Northwest Chapter, National Railway Historical Society
- Harold Gjerman, Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Historical Society
- Cameron Booth, cartographer and creator of Transit Maps.
- Hattie Mead, Greenwood Hills Cemetery Maintenance Association president
- Lee Rogers, Rachel Essig, and Steve Gallaway, River View Cemetery
- Multnomah Historical Association
- Genealogical Forum of Oregon
- Stephen Leflar, historian
- Dan Haneckow, historian
Other people who provided leads and tidbits or who inspired us early-on:
- Doris Graham, the neighbor who first mentioned the trolley passing through our yard
- Ken Mead, who wrote the article for the Greenwood Hills Cemetery newsletter that got us started
- Matthew Hampton and Tony Paolucci, cartographers
- Brian Reho, neighborhood developer
- John Thomas, Chaparral Books
And thanks to all our friends and family who have listened to us talk incessantly about The Trolley Project since 2020.
See our Resource Collection for authors whose books and articles have been invaluable LINK.